Hargett Street to close for several days starting Wednesday

Hargett Street will be closed between Dawson Street and McDowell Street beginning Wednesday at 9 a.m. until Tuesday, Aug. 6, at 4 p.m.

Crews will be erecting a crane for the City of Raleigh’s Civic Tower Project.

Drivers can use the following detours:

  • Drivers and cyclists wanting to travel east on Hargett Street will need to take Dawson Street south, take a left onto Martin Street, then take a left onto McDowell Street.
  • Drivers and cyclists wanting to travel west on Hargett Street will need to take McDowell Street north, take a left onto Hillsborough Street and a left onto Dawson Street.

Sidewalks for pedestrians will be closed on the south side of Hargett Street. All businesses will remain accessible and open throughout the closure.

Transit routes and stops in the area will be affected.

Tune into WRAL News or 101.5FM in the Triangle for traffic updates. For updates on the city’s Civic Tower Project, go to raleighnc.gov.

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